Sunday, 21 May 2017

Living my best life

Yesterday was nine years since I finished school. Nine years ago I was an insecure 17 year old who loved Take That and London and books. Yesterday I got a train back from Manchester to my house in London after seeing Take That four times in the space of a week. I went and saw the Ordinary Boys (I was obsessed with Preston and his then wife when I was 17) with a friend in the evening.

When I left school I had no idea what I wanted to do. I knew London was the goal eventually. Somehow I ended up studying nursing for a while, that didn’t go too well. I don’t regret it but it was a bad decision. A couple of years later I ended up studying English and Linguistics. I didn’t particularly enjoy studying it but it was a far better choice than nursing.

And now I live in London, I work on Oxford Street and I have an amazing bunch of friends. On top of that I still very much love Take That (and books of course) and currently I’m travelling around the UK seeing them over and over again. It’s completely exhausting but it’s amazing. Mark Owen sang right at me on Friday and I melted. There’s still a part of me that is forever my 17 year old self not being able to believe any of this is real.

People may think I’m crazy or I have better ways to spend my time or money. But truthfully I don’t. I don’t know what people expect me to do with my time and money but I was always under the illusion that being happy was of great importance.

I may not have a powerful job or an other half but that to me isn’t what matters right now. What matters is I’m happy. I’m living my best life. 17 year old me would be astounded at my life now. Living in my dream city, working in a place I used to frequent when I visited London, having a group of friends whom I adore and who accept me as me, following my favourite band around the country.

I am never happier than when I’m on that barrier, I have my friends around me and Take That are right there, belting out the songs I love. I may be broke and exhausted but I’m happy. I’m living a life that 17 year old me would be proud of, and surely that’s the most important thing?